Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Middle age......

Today's comment on my calendar was this "Middle age is when you realise that you'll never live long enough to try all the recipes you spent 30 years clipping out of newspapers and magazines"
When I read that today, I went OMG that is so true. I turned 40 on xmas eve, they say its the new 30, but one thing I have realised is that I don't feel any older, just the number keeps changing every year. I asked my mum, who is in her mid 70's, if she feels older, she said no, just that her body doesn't like doing what it used to do so easily. I think I know what she means since I fell off my bike in December, it has certainly taken it's time healing - a lot longer than it used to.
Work has finished for another week, as I only work 3 days a week. My boss came back to work today after not seeing him since before xmas, he's exhausted, reckons he came back to work for a rest with all his family around he has to play chief mediator of the house.
Not planning on doing much on my 4 days off, the weather here is going to be yuck - 37C tomorrow and 39C for Friday, we are usually a couple of degrees cooler but not that it's going to make much difference, Anook our malamute will be looking forward to coming into the air-conditiong, I must say though that since we've moved down here the weather has been a little more forgiving than in Perth.
Batten down the hatches......and start cooking all those recipes I've been collecting !!

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